Bring Credibility to Your Product
Certification shows interoperability with respective certified products. Show the market your commitment to quality.

Why Certify?
In addition to the tangible acknowledgment of compliance to a Connectivity Standards Alliance specification, certification allows the use of Certified Product logos and listing of the product on the Alliance website for verification. Certification denotes compliance to a specification and shows interoperability in the respective program.
Advantages of product certification:
Clearly and independently indicates interoperability with products from the world’s leading brands
Lowers barriers to market entry with access to a vast technology ecosystem
Confirms compliance to Connectivity Standards Alliance specifications with testing from experienced professionals
Allows for use of exclusive Connectivity Standards Alliance certified product logos and a product listing on the Connectivity Standards Alliance website
Provides the opportunity for inclusion in demonstrations at industry events, demo walls, and videos
Use of official Connectivity Standards Alliance Certificate validating certification
Certain intellectual property licensing protections (see Alliance IPR Policy)
Certification at a Glance
Validity: Issued certifications remain valid for the lifetime of the product, which becomes immediately eligible to be listed on the Connectivity Standards Alliance database of Certified Products.
Requirements: Certification is available to Connectivity Standards Alliance members. All new product certifications require product testing at a Connectivity Standards Alliance Authorized Test Provider, followed by an application with the Connectivity Standards Alliance in our Certification Tool.
Costs: The primary costs associated with product certification are the testing fee and the application fee. Please contact an Authorized Test Provider for testing fee quotes.
Timeline: The total duration of the certification process is dependent on several factors, including the length of time required by the chosen test provider for testing and any specific items identified during the application review.
Find the Right Certification for Your Product
Certification Process
The path to product certification consists of three phases:
- Product development
- Certification testing at an Authorized Test Provider
- Application for certification with the Alliance
Each step in these phases is detailed below. Our Certification Team is dedicated to helping you through this process. Please contact us with any questions.
Become a Member
Read Connectivity Standards Alliance Policies and Governing Documents and become a member.
Request a Manufacturer ID / Vendor ID
Contact the Alliance Certification Team to reserve your Manufacturer ID or Vendor ID.
Select a Compliant Platform or Network Transport
For Zigbee and Smart Energy end products, we have established access to Compliant Platforms from multiple silicon vendors. Select one from the list of certified Compliant Platforms.
For Matter end products, you have the choice of various network transport options, including Wi-Fi, Thread, and Ethernet. Note that you will need to obtain certification for your network transport form the relevant standards organization before you certify your Matter device with the Alliance.
Choose a Testing Provider
Select from Connectivity Standards Alliance authorized Test Providers at locations all around the world.
Send Product to be Tested
After scheduling testing with an Authorized Test Provider, the facility will make arrangements for testing samples and Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) documents to be submitted. Test Provider will issue a final report to the Connectivity Standards Alliance when testing is successfully completed.
PICS proforma templates are available in the Members Area
Submit Certification Application
Complete and submit an application for certification in the Connectivity Standards Alliance Certification Tool. Instructions for requesting a Certification Tool account and creating/submitting applications can be found in the Connectivity Standards Alliance Members Area.
Application Pending
Connectivity Standards Alliance Certification Team will review your application and, if necessary, request action on specific identified items or information required to make a determination of approval or rejection. At any time during this process, you may reach out to the Connectivity Standards Alliance Certification Team with any questions.
Upon Approval
After your product certification is approved, you will receive a formal certificate from the Alliance and may immediately begin using the Certified Product logo. Certified Product logos have usage guidelines that govern how they are used. Please review the applicable sections before affixing. Logos are provided to the applicant’s contact for the certification. For more information about Alliance logos and their usage, please contact us.
Matter products will also receive a Certification Declaration (CD) blob file and a certified product record entered in the Distributed Compliance Ledger (DCL).
Certification Programs
End Products
End Products are devices destined for personal or commercial use. All End Products are tested for conformance to a Connectivity Standards Alliance Standard. Successful certification allows products to be recognized by the Alliance as Certified Products and use the associated logo.
Compliant Platforms
A Compliant Platform is a fundamental building block of a Zigbee Certified End Product. All Platforms are tested for compliance to a set of Alliance specifications before they can be engineered into an End Product. Each Platform is composed of a radio and a microprocessor with storage running Zigbee firmware.
Software Component
A Software Component is a User Interface Component (UIC) (e.g. application) or Underlying Software Component (e.g. OS-specific library) that has been certified under the Software Component Certification Program. Software Components run within the context of a Supported Operating Environment (SOE) and the underlying hardware configurations supported by the SOE. Underlying Software Components encapsulate the functionality defined in the Alliance specifications. This allows UIC developers to choose if they want to use ready-made certified building blocks (Type 2 UIC), or implement the Alliance-defined functionality from scratch (Type 1 UIC).
Certification Transfer Program (CTP)
Alliance Participant and Promoter members can offer their Certified Products to customers for re-branding/white labeling while maintaining the Alliance Certified status of those products.
Join the Alliance
Over 600 companies across the globe, spanning the entire IoT value chain, are actively involved in the Connectivity Standards Alliance. If you share our passion for shaping the future of the IoT, join us today!
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