Aliro FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Aliro

What challenges does Aliro hope to solve?
The industry-standard access credential and communication protocol, defined by major industry leaders, offers a secured, convenient, and consistent experience when using smartphones, wearables, or other user devices to unlock doors and openings.
Why Aliro?
In the first phase, Aliro enables interoperability and compatibility between end-user devices such as phones and wearables, and the access control devices, such as electronic locks and readers.
Aliro is interested in evaluating use cases such as secure key sharing in future phases.
What verticals do Aliro apply to?
Aliro aims to define a standard that can be leveraged across multiple verticals, including but not limited to corporate, hospitality, university, single-family homes, and multi-family homes.
What companies are involved with Aliro?
Nearly 200 member companies, including leading players in locks, ecosystems, and the related end-to-end value chain are working together to pave the way for a better and more secured mobile access experience.
How does Aliro work with Matter?
Aliro specifies the secured use of your mobile phone or wearable in place of a key at the opening. Matter specifies how connected products communicate with each other for a wide variety of command-and-control-related smart home use cases. Aliro and Matter are complementary standards that do not rely upon each other. Readers and devices may support just one or both protocols.
To learn more about Matter, please visit
What mobile devices support Aliro?
Aliro was designed with the intention of working with smartphones and wearables such as smartwatches without compromising legacy implementations.
How should I use the new brand?
Today, you may refer to Aliro and use the logo when referencing the technology. You can not use the logo on any packaging or corresponding product information until that product has undergone certification and the certification/badging guidelines are made available to members. Please refer to the official Trademark and Usage Guidelines for further information.
Where can I find more information? How can I join?
Visit our website to gather information and learn about the benefits of membership and which membership tier fits your needs. You can also email [email protected] to request more information on becoming a member.