The world’s leading standard for interoperable products that monitor, control, inform, and automate the delivery and use of energy and water.
Creating Greener Homes
Smart Energy supports the diverse needs of a global ecosystem of utilities, product manufacturers and regulators as they plan to meet future energy, water and gas needs. It helps create greener homes by giving consumers information they trust, and the automation they need, to easily reduce their consumption and save money.
Build Consumer Confidence
Information and cost transparency increase consumer trust, allowing them to make better consumption decisions for their wallet and the environment.
More Choices and Savings
Utilities gain better control of grid management, while consumers have more choice in utility providers to increase savings.

Reduce Emissions Footprint
Smart energy revolutionizes consumer knowledge to optimize energy consumption to reduce emissions footprint and ease regulatory compliance.
Easy to Use
Standard technology, certified interoperability, global 2.4GHz spectrum and regional SubGHz eases adoption and customer service.
Secure and Reliable
Secure by design, self-healing mesh network eliminates single points of failure, supporting residential, commercial and industrial deployments.
How to Get Certified
With hundreds of millions Smart Energy deployments globally, it’s the trusted choice for commodity monitoring and control.
Certification ensures Zigbee Smart Energy Application Standards deliver wireless networking and interoperability, while leveraging the expertise of hundreds of engineers and business people to ensure only quality products which have earned the Connectivity Standards Alliance Certified logo are available in the marketplace.
Commodities Metering Support
Supports multiple commodities including electric, gas, water, and thermal. This means real-time and historical information for the generation and consumption of energy, whether battery- or mains-powered, providing visibility for utilities and consumers alike.
Text Messaging
Support text messaging that can be used for utility text messages to consumers and text message communication between devices.
Pricing Support
Support Flat, Block, and Time of Unit (TOU) pricing for residential, and commercial/industrial customers. Provided customers when combined with metering with current energy cost, and forward looking cost to shift demand to peak generator periods to lower consumer energy cost and address utility grid stability in a Distributed Energy environment. TOU pricing often used as a demand response control signal to shift demand to low cost times eliminating need to send unique Demand Response events.
Demand and Response Load Control
Support real time shedding demand to prevent brownouts and blackouts, and future demand to balance demand and generation for utility grid stability plus maximize revenue over existing grid assets. Provides utility with encrypted demand response logs for tracking who received and ran events, and who opted out of demand response events.
Highly Secure
Support Certificate Based Key Establishment using 128 bit X.509 certificates embedded in Smart Energy certified devices out of band for device authentication and unique encryption key between HAN devices and utility meters, and between HAN devices.
Learn How and Why Smart Energy is Serving the Market Today
Smart Energy in the Market
Transparent price and information empower and increase consumer trust, deliver energy cost savings, help control/integrate residential Distributed Energy Resources (DER) with utility for a win-win solutions, and give consumers choice in utility providers. Real-time information drives smarter energy decisions, reducing impact on environment and improving emissions footprint. Smart Energy features are reliable, secure, easy to install and convenient to use.
Open standards support competitive marketplace of multiple vendors that lowers cost through competition. Smart energy helps lower energy costs, reduce your impact on environment, and ensures regulatory compliance with building and emissions standards.
Utility / Energy
Smart Energy’s sole purpose is to offer utilities with another way to provide value and differentiate themselves. With a focus on reducing utility usage, and keeping consumers informed, Smart Energy provides value to every user.
Bringing together the world’s most innovative companies