The Alliance has identified a need for global harmonization of requirements, allowing for more robust transparency, clarity, and confidence with manufacturers and consumers. As a result, we are happy to announce the development of the new Data Privacy Working Group.
Meeting the Challenge.
Today, the need to harmonize best practices around data privacy is more important than ever to ensure consumers’ data sovereignty and the growing complexity of IoT devices interacting with web-based services and apps. The reality is that, with the introduction of billions of additional connected devices in our homes, autos, and offices, the amount of personal data we generate will only exponentially increase and protecting our rights will become increasingly challenging. Solving this problem now is imperative to the overall health of the IoT industry. It won’t be easy, but it won’t get any less complex, so time is of the essence. The Data Privacy Working Group aims to develop a certification program that will certify the data privacy of IoT devices and related services in conformance with a new Alliance Data Privacy specification.
Targeting Change.
The Data Privacy Working Group will help consumers build trust by identifying and strengthening areas of transparency, best practices, and verification. We aim to support customers in better understanding what data is being collected, how it is used, and if it complies with existing privacy requirements. Acting as an advocate on behalf of consumers, the Alliance can offer guidance to each facet and act as proponents for fairness.
Get Involved.
The Alliance is exploring the creation of a harmonized global specification and certification program by bringing together our broad global membership while looking to engage regulators and stakeholders in the coming weeks and months. Your unique perspective can assist in the creation of Data Privacy standards that mutually benefit manufacturers and consumers alike.
We invite you to get involved and help us make change by becoming a member of the Alliance.