Zigbee Home Automation
RapidHA Development Kit
By MMB Networks
RapidHA is an off-the-shelf package of ZigBee hardware, desktop software, and embedded firmware purposed for product developers integrating the ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 Standard into devices and coordinators. MMB Network�۪s primary intention for RapidHA is to get your products ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 enabled quickly, inexpensively, and reliably. RapidHA�۪s embedded firmware involves more than just a reference design or an AT command set, RapidHA is a fully automated Home Automation embedded firmware package, accessible via a simple serial interface or java library. As a result, the embedded firmware aspect of the ZigBee product development process is complete and ready for integration into devices and coordinators. The RapidHA hardware includes all the fundamental pieces of a ZigBee component plus added hardware to be a relevant module as the standard evolves in the future. Some key hardware features to name are adjustable power amplification (up to 20dBm) and the on-board serial flash supporting Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware upgrades.
Product Details
- SKU Z357PAZ0-USB-P-N | HA.0.9.2.XU
- Firmware Version 0.9.2
- Hardware Version Z357PA30-USB
- Certificate ID ZIG13046ZHA25609-24
- Certified Date 09/17/2013
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No