Three times a year, the Zigbee Alliance hosts week-long Member Meetings across the globe to progress on initiatives face-to-face. Once a year we take the opportunity to recognize outstanding leadership, contribution, and dedication within the individuals that make up the Alliance. All Zigbee Alliance members are invited to submit nominations for our three award categories, which are then submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval. This month at our Vancouver Member Meeting, we had the pleasure of formally recognizing the following members for their exceptional efforts within the Zigbee Alliance.
Outstanding Contributor Award
The Outstanding Contributor awards are given to individuals who went above and beyond the call of duty within the Alliance working groups by making many contributions throughout the year as well as effectively moving the consensus process forward. Both the quantity and quality of the contributions are taken into consideration.

Zigbee Alliance Chairman of the Board, John Osborne, and Zigbee Alliance CEO, Tobin Richardson, recognize Chris DeCenzo with the Outstanding Contributor Award.
Awarded to: Chris DeCenzo, Principal SDE, Amazon Lab126, Chair of the All Hubs Initiative Group for the Zigbee Alliance.
The Alliance proudly recognizes Chris DeCenzo for his courage in taking on the entire PRO pillar and for his leadership in addressing all the challenges of a major Zigbee ecosystem development and in addressing the opportunity to enable interoperable, consumer-centric Zigbee systems in the future. Chris’s efforts are in the true spirit of open standard development. The Alliance is honored to work with Chris and recognize him with the Outstanding Contributor Award.
Awarded to: Ezra Hale, Software Engineering Manager at Silicon Labs, Chair of the Mesh IP Group for the Zigbee Alliance.

Zigbee Alliance Chairman of the Board, John Osborne, and Zigbee Alliance CEO, Tobin Richardson, recognize Ezra Hale with the Outstanding Contributor Award.
Ezra Hale’s leadership and contributions as Chair of the Mesh IP group were instrumental in the achievement of 1.0 status for the Dotdot over Thread Base Device Specification. Ezra Hale’s dedication to this project and leadership make him a deserving recipient of the Outstanding Contributor Award.
Distinguished Fellow
The Zigbee Alliance gives the Distinguished Fellow to exceptional individuals who have over time provided a major influence on the direction and success of the Alliance and its development. Individuals who attain this honor are recognized as key individuals whose vision and efforts have helped the Alliance membership realize success in the deployment of the technology, and have helped guide the industry.
Awarded to: Leslie Mulder, President at Exegin Technologies Limited, Chair of the Zigbee PRO Technical Sub-Committee

Zigbee Alliance Chairman of the Board, John Osborne, and Zigbee Alliance CEO, Tobin Richardson, recognize Leslie Mulder with the Distinguished Fellow Award.
Leslie Mulder efforts as Chair of the Zigbee PRO Technical Sub-Committee are essential to the success of interoperability through the Zigbee Alliance family of standards. We are grateful for Leslie’s continued dedication to the Alliance and his leadership as an industry evangelist to realize the vision of our members.
Larry Kohrmann Leadership Award
The Larry Kohrmann Leadership Award is given to outstanding working group chairs or Board members. This award recognizes the volunteer-led leaders who make up the heart of the Alliance’s success. These individuals have dedicated their time and leadership ability to establishing and furthering the Alliance’s success.
Awarded to: Brad Ree, CTO at ioXt, Chair of Security Advisory Group for the Zigbee Alliance.

Zigbee Alliance VP of Technology, Victor Berrios, accepts the Larry Kohrmann Leadership Award on Brad’s behalf
The Alliance proudly recognizes Brad Ree for his selfless leadership and dedication in supporting Alliance strategic initiatives and shepherding of the Zigbee Alliance Security Advisory Group. The Alliance is grateful for Brad’s continued dedication and leadership. The Zigbee Alliance is made up of the best minds in the industry. We look forward to continue recognizing more of our outstanding members.