Zigbee Home Automation
Smart Code Home Connect Deadbolt
By Kwikset
KWIKSET�� SMARTCODE��� DEADBOLT WITH HOME CONNECT��� TECHNOLOGY ��� A new, smarter way to connect to your home. Home Connect Technology works by allowing your front door lock to wirelessly talk to other things in your house, such as the security system, lighting, thermostat, and entertainment system. Powered by 4AA batteries, the lock offers true remote locking and unlocking features due to its motorized driven locking mechanism. Innovative Security �ۢMotorized Locking Mechanism��� enables true remote locking & unlocking �ۢNotification alerts when someone enters your home �ۢIncludes SmartKey�� Re-key Technology with BumpGuard��� Protection �ۢRevolutionary Tapered Deadbolt Design��� enables misaligned doors to lock without pulling & pushing your door shut �ۢFull 128-Bit Encryption Security Easy Integration �ۢReplaces Existing Deadbolt with just a screwdriver �ۢ4 AA Batteries (no hard wiring)��� batteries last for approximately 1 year �ۢZigBee Home Automation Wireless Protocol
Product Details
- SKU 910
- Firmware Version V 3.7.14
- Hardware Version 1
- Certificate ID ZIG13048ZHA25611-24
- Certified Date 09/20/2013
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No