Zigbee 3.0
BitCloud_6.0_PIC32CX5109BZ3_WBZ351 Extended Color Light
By Microchip Technology
This Extended Color Light (ECL) device is compliant to the BDB 3.0.1 & ZCL 8 specifications which is developed on top of Zigbee PRO R22 Specification (with Green power Support) and provides an ultimate platform for creating reliable, scalable, and secure wireless applications running on Microchip microcontrollers and wireless transceivers.
The ECL is implemented on WBZ35x modules which are based on Microchip’s PIC32 based SoC. This PIC32 SoC enables IOT (Internet of Things) wireless connectivity by providing secure Boot feature on a low power SoC that provides BLE 5.1 along with IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) in a single SoC. This device has following features
Zigbee PRO R22 Compliant
Zigbee Green Power
Zigbee Lighting and Occupancy
Home Appliances
Security Systems
Easy-to-use C API
Ultimate in data reliability with true mesh routing support
Large network support (100s of devices)
Flexible and easy to use developer tools
One source of support from Zigbee PRO stack experts
Over The Air Upgrade support (as per ZCL std)
Custome Cluster and Custom device features
Low power modes – Sleep and Deep Sleep
Product Details
- SKU WBZ351
- Firmware Version BC 6.0
- Hardware Version PIC32CX5109BZ31048 REV1.0
- Certificate ID ZIG24084ZB331757-24
- Certified Date 05/21/2024
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No