Three times a year, the Zigbee Alliance hosts week-long Member Meetings across the globe to progress on initiatives face-to-face. We like to take this opportunity to recognize outstanding leadership, contributions, and dedication of the individuals that make up the Alliance.
Nominations are submitted for our three award categories including Outstanding Contributor, Distinguished Fellow, and the Larry Kohrmann Leadership award. Last month at our Austin Member Meeting, we had the pleasure of formally recognizing the following members for their exceptional efforts within the Alliance.
Outstanding Contributor Award
The Outstanding Contributor awards are given to individuals who, during the previous year, went above and beyond the call of duty within the Alliance working groups by making many contributions throughout the year as well as effectively moving the consensus process forward. Both the quantity and quality of the contributions are taken into consideration.

Awarded to: Phil Jamieson, Signify
In recognition of his extensive work completing XML representation of Dotdot models, several clusters converted and more, all while driving significant workgroups.

Awarded to: Jason Perreault, Silicon Labs
In recognition of his contributions to the Dotdot effort, as technical editor of Dotdot over CoAP, and further in to the XML representation, all with a high level of attention to detail and quality.

Awarded to: Lourens Koopmans, TÜV Rheinland
In recognition of his dedication to Green Power technology, many years volunteering on the Expert Review Panel, and unwavering dedication to improving the quality of the Zigbee Alliance test program.

Awarded to: Vladimir Stepanchenko, DSR Corporation
In recognition of his many contributions to Zigbee technology and efforts, including enhancing the Zigbee 3.0 certification program.

Awarded to: David Richkas, Microchip
In recognition of his valuable participation and contribution within the Marketing Work Group, innovative thinking, and pragmatic approaches to engage the market.

Awarded to: David Smith, MMB Networks
In recognition of his tireless work, leadership, and contributions to the Zigbee Cluster Library XML project.
Distinguished Fellow
The Alliance gives the Distinguished Fellow to exceptional individuals who have over time provided a major influence on the direction and success of the Alliance and its development. Individuals who attain this honor are recognized as key individuals whose vision and efforts have helped the Alliance membership realize success in deployment of the technology, and have helped guide the industry.

Awarded to: Cam Williams, Schneider Electric
In recognition of his undying quest for optimal solutions and involvement in countless Alliance groups, and his courage to speak up, from Workgroups to the Board of Directors.
Larry Kohrmann Leadership Award
The Larry Kohrmann Leadership Award is given to outstanding working group chairs or Board members. This award recognizes the volunteer-led leaders who make up the heart of the Alliance’s success. These individuals have dedicated their time and leadership ability to establishing and furthering the Alliance’s success.

Awarded to: Bożena Erdmann, Signify
In grateful recognition of her outstanding service and dedication on many high profile and critical projects to the Alliance.

Awarded to: John E. Osborne II, LEEDARSON
In recognition of his exceptional leadership, guidance and vision as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has positioned the Alliance as the critical Internet of Things organization in the industry, on a foundation of major achievements in global adoption, a professional organization, and world-leading standards, and set the course for a meaningfully connected world.
In Appreciation

Awarded to: Jean-Pierre Desbenoit, Schneider Electric
With thanks for your tireless advocacy, your principled commitment and championing of global, open standards and the mission of the Zigbee Alliance. Your steady hand, insightful leadership and focus on building a community have made the Alliance stronger, more relevant and vibrant, to the benefit of consumers and industry worldwide.
The Alliance is made up of the best minds in the industry. We look forward to continuing to recognize more of our outstanding members.