It’s under the roof of alliances and within working groups that big rocks are rolled forward for the betterment of industries. The conversations can be tough, and the pace sometimes mimics molasses – but alliance work offers access to a diverse thinktank, a talent pipeline, and extraordinary industry professionals. And that makes all the labor and investment (and Tylenol) worthwhile.
Leading the Zigbee Alliance Board of Directors is a career highlight for me, and one I step back from but not away from. I’m not ready yet. There’s more good work to be done as the IoT expands into new spaces and we embrace and build on existing digital connections.
It’s been an honor to have served as Board Chairman for six years, and that honor will continue as Emeritus and in the capacity of special purposes for Alliance business. I’m here to support Bruno as he transitions into his Chairman role and steps up to lead our high-caliber collection of Board Directors. He’s a Zigbee Alliance veteran, a savvy standards exec, and he’ll lead this group forward with poise and purpose.
As an Alliance, we’ve worked hard to bring incredibly influential and innovative companies together to forge new directions. These ventures include Dotdot and the recently formed Project Connected Home over IP (CHIP). This level of cooperation between leading technology giants and market-movers signals a significant sea change in the overall smart home landscape – and one that requires a recalibration of commitment and enthusiasm to take business, brands, and smart living to the next level.
We’re all pointed in a prosperous direction when it comes to standards. The Alliance cry for “open” has echoed in the hallways since 1998 – and I’m proud to have been part of this global tribe during a time when industry set aside differences and today is coming together under the Zigbee Alliance roof to roll the tremendous IoT rock forward. Thank you for the opportunity, the experience, and the lifelong connections I’ve secured along the way.